An Unbroken Heart by Kathleen Fuller

Friday, April 15, 2016

During a argument Joanna Schrock was having with her parents their buggy was in a hit-and-run accident. Joanna was really injured during the accident, but her heart was hurting even more because of her last words to her parents. After an long stay at a physical rehabilitation center she was finally able to come home. But nothing is the same now, including her and Andrew. Even though Joanna has loved Andrew since she was twelve, she was worried something was not right after the accident.

After reading book one in this series I was really excited to get this new book by Kathleen Fuller. And it was another wonderfully done book. It was very well written and the characters felt very real. It was easy to relate to them, even though at times it was kind of hard to see them making the stressful choices that they did. But with the path the story took all the pieces went together amazingly. Plus even though this was the second book in the series it could also easily be read by it's self. So even if you have not read any other books by Kathleen Fuller this would still be a good place to start. I am looking forward to the next book by Kathleen Fuller!
I received this book free from the publisher, Thomas Nelson,  through the BookLook Bloggers book review program. The opinions are my own.
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