Dawn at Emberwilde by Sarah E. Ladd

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

 For many years Isabel lived at the Fellsworth School in the beautiful English countryside. And as she grew older she became a teacher there. Which enabled her to stay there with her younger sister Lizzie, who was left in her care after their father’s death.
But when a stranger shows up with news of unknown relatives it turns Isabel's life upside down. And at her new family’s invitation Isabel and her sister move to Emberwilde, a sprawling estate next to a large mysterious forest. One that is filled with rumors and folklore.
Dawn at Emberwilde was a wonderful book! I love books with a good mystery and a unique plot, and this book had both! The plot had a very intriguing point of view. And it was interesting to see how Isabel and her sister adjusted to their new life. It was easy to relate to Isabel, and all of the characters were wonderfully done and felt real. And there were twists in the story that I never seen coming! As I read along I could not wait to see what would happen. Sarah E. Ladd is a wonderful author and I am already looking forward to her next book!
I received this book free from the publisher, Thomas Nelson,  through the BookLook Bloggers book review program. The opinions are my own.
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